Menu Commands   APPLE MENU About Game You can access the registration dialog with this option. Info Select Info from the Apple Menu to view most of the objects in the game and a short description of each. FILE MENU Main Menu You can return to the title screen at any time with this option. If you are in the middle of a game, your current score will still be saved. New File Open File Ruckus lets you save or open tracks on separate files. You can upload tracks you have created and download others. To open a file, select Open File from the Game Menu. To create a new file, select New File from the Game Menu. Whenever you open or create a file, Ruckus updates the Load Menu and the Course Menu to include only tracks that appear in the current file. Each time you start Ruckus, the default file "Tracks" will be open. To transfer tracks from one file to another, open the track you want to transfer. Then open the file you want to transfer the track to. Ruckus will ask you if you want to save the track in the new file. NOTE: If you are familiar with ResEdit, you can easily transfer tracks between files with this utility. Unregister If you would like to give a copy of Ruckus to a friend or distribute it for any purpose, please make sure you unregister the copy first. See the Agreement for more information. Quit Just in case you want to stop playing. OPTIONS MENU Sound Turns on/off all sounds except the music. Sound Level Controls the volume level for both sounds and music. Music Turns on/off the music. The music will not start playing until you begin a track. Track Editor After you have registered, you can use the track editor to make your own tracks and courses. Turning on the editor will give you access to all the options in the Track Menu. Controls To change the controls, select Controls from the Options Menu. Players in the title screen list have their own set of controls, so make sure you have selected your player before changing the controls. You don't have to hold down the acceleration key once you reach maximum speed, even while you turn. However, you lose all your speed when you crash. Special Control There is one special control which lets you do a 360. This is just for fun and might be more likely to harm than help. You could, in theory, do a 360 in mid air, unleash a rocket halfway through to take out a pursuer, and turn around again before you hit the ground. Just don't hit a wall while you are doing it. Preferences You can hide the status bar and the map window. The grid option only appears when you are editing tracks. The fade option determines how quickly the game will fade between screens. If you like drama, set it low. If you are impatient, set it as high as you can. Cheat Codes Only available after you register. You can use the cheat codes to get unlimited weapons and items. This may help you test out new courses you have designed. NOTE: Cheating marks your name in bright red in the title screen. TRACK MENU Edit Objects Toggle between the track editor and the object editor. See "Creating Tracks" for more information. Edit Data Allows you to edit special features of the track, such as number of laps, terrain quality, and car speeds. You also use this dialog to link tracks together to form courses. Play Track If you are editing a track, you can use this option to play it without returning to the main menu. When you finish the track, you will return to the track editor mode. Always save your track before playing it, since Ruckus will load the track from the file. Save Track Saves the current track in the most recently opened file. Newly saved tracks will appear in the Load Menu. Clear Track This option will clear all track data, setting all variables to the defaults. Clear Objects This option will clear all the objects on the track, but will not affect the track design or track variables. Load Menu All tracks saved in the current file appear in this menu. If you have defined any course starter tracks, this menu will be divided into segments, with a course starter at the beginning of each segment, followed by all linked tracks. Any tracks that don't fit into a course will be at the bottom of the menu, including the default track. NOTE: If you use 1 track for two different courses, the Load Menu will not display this accurately. However, it is fine to use the same track for different courses. Just be sure that you have defined the links properly. NOTE: If you hold the delete key as you select a track in the Load Menu, you can delete tracks from the current file. Multiplayer Menu Ruckus has a multiplayer option which allows several players to play Ruckus with less waiting. NOTE: The multiplayer option is not a network option. If Ruckus is well-supported, a network option will be available in the near future. Select up to 4 players in the Multiplayer Menu. Then select the same number of players in the titlescreen window. Players take turns playing levels. When a level is completed, Ruckus goes to the next player. If a player loses, that player has the option of quitting or starting over from the first level. Regardless of the choice, the other players continue playing. Ruckus keeps track of each player's status, so when the game returns to a player, they begin where they left off. Course Menu The course menu lets you select which track series you will play. Ruckus comes with two courses, the standard tracks beginning with Ruckus, and an easy series beginning with Bunny Trails. After you register, you can create your own series of tracks and choose which one the series begins with.